Software Development DirectoryIksanika Software Company is one of the most rapidly growing companies on the Web. We are collaborating with only top professionals in the industry in order to offer our customers with desired solutions. We are open to any kind of interactions and cooperation.

How to Exchange links with Software Company Iksanika

If you want to exchange links with Iksanika please provide a link to our site from your links page and email us the exact url of the page on which you have added our link along with the title, description and url of your site. We will add your link to our software development directory as soon as we confirm our link live on your site. Also we take into consideration the quality of the page, its relevancy to our site and quantity of outgoing links on your page (should be less than 5 links). To add link to your site, please use the following information:

URL : Title : Software Development Company Description : Offshore development and custom programming services provided by Iksanika. All our projects are developed by professional software programmers and offshore developers, who have much skills and experience in this field. Or use this html code: <a href=””>Software Development Company</a> — Offshore development and custom programming services provided by Iksanika. All our projects are developed by professional software programmers and offshore developers, who have much skills and experience in this field.

Iksanika Software Company recommends following Search Engines:


Please find below the list of software development companies and organizations available for your reference. These sites are added only on the basis of their services offered and we consider these companies top professionals in software development niche:

If you feel that your site is worth including to our software development directory,  please send your e-mail